2025 [1]
2024 [37]
- Remove password from PDF
- Stream UDP over TCP
- Tasmota - DIY overview
- Docker SSHFS volume
- OpenStack - API
- OpenStack - networking debug commands
- Ubuntu - change SSH port
- Ansible - if current host in group
- OpenStack - assign user to project
- OpenStack - create project
- OpenStack - create user
- OpenStack - add SSH keys
- Git - truncate history
- Git - remove newest commits
- MySQL user privileges
- Netplan - WiFi
- Netplan - vLAN
- Netplan - set interface name
- Netplan - static IP
- Netplan - DHCP
- GitLab - fix permissions
- Backup to CD/DVD/BR/BLU-RAY
- USB write status
- SSH proxy
- Netplan - all interfaces with dhcp
- Update Debian 11 (Bullseye) to Debian 12 (Bookworm)
- Update Debian 10 (Buster) to Debian 11 (Bullseye)
- Update Debian 9 (Stretch) to Debian 10 (Buster)
- Update Debian 8 (Jessie) to Debian 9 (Stretch)
- Gitlab CI - example build Docker image
- Ubuntu cloud image - set root password
- Ansible - install NTP client
- Ansible - set timezone
- BASH - generate random string
- Traefik proxy to other host
- Docker escape dollar sign
- Disable USB autosuspend
2023 [49]
- GRUB multiple boot partitions
- EMQX listener with password
- EMQX listener with JWT
- Spring MQTT pub/sub
- Troubleshooting high I/O
- EMQX dashboard
- Java Gradle example Dockerfile for Spring Boot
- Java Spring Micrometer console output
- EMQX listener with SSL
- Create Ceph cluster
- Fast install Ubuntu Desktop general
- Fast install OpenStack client
- Fast install Terragrunt
- Fast install Terraform
- Fast install Packer
- Fast install Ansible
- Fast install Vagrant
- Fast install Docker
- Fast install general linux tools
- Ansible disable key host checking
- EMQX auto subscribe
- Proxmox KSM more agressive
- Ansible with bastion
- pfSense 2.6 - QEmu Guest Agent
- pfSense - default dashboard login and password
- Prompt command times
- EMQX RPC secured
- EMQX in Docker
- EMQX static cluster
- Openssl generate certificates
- Packer with bastion
- C++ - convert string/numerics
- Show seconds in Gnome
- OpenStack - add flavors
- OpenStack - add images
- OpenStack - install client
- Tasmota power reporting
- Nginx dev environment secure by IP or cookie
- Useful Gnome extensions
- Gnome - show/hide seconds
- Support *.heic in linux
- Sonoff Dual R3 POW - initial configuration
- Gosund SP111 upload Tasmota over Arduino
- Check WiFi card features
- Home assistant - 2FA
- Home Assistant - add link in menu
- Gosund SP111 - power calibration
- Gosund SP111 - initial configuration
- Postgresql generated columns
2022 [42]
- MySQL 8 Group Replication
- Merge two videos into one
- MySQL Blackhole engine
- Postgresql - partitoned tables
- Unbuffered pipe stream
- Verify max USB speed
- Docker host IP from inside container
- MySQL - grants
- Allow Virtualbox mount usb on linux
- Calculate string occurences
- Eval MySQL/MariaDB
- Traefik and Docker Compose
- Swap file
- LG Therma V 3F 16kW Monoblock v4 - smart grid
- LG Therma V 3F 16kW Monoblock v4 - temperature sensor
- Initial commands on fresh linux
- Maven - test specified class or method
- Docker-compose logs limits
- RabbitMQ - limit queue length
- Docker build problem on removable media
- Send files over SSH
- Copy docker image to other machine
- Temporary disable write to binlog
- JavaScript variable object key
- Fronius OhmPilot heating phases
- Windows - show WiFi password
- Fronius Symo service codes
- Serialize/Unserialize protobuf
- Disable Bash pipe buffering
- Test ping to remote host
- Debug C++ application core dump
- Hello World
- Enable core dump on Debian
- Gitlab CI - pass variable between stages
- Example gitlab-ci.yml
- Gitlab runner
- Github containter registry behind Traefik reverse proxy
- Gitlab postrgresql slow start throws error
- Restart pod
- Check port is open in shell
- Update system without any questions
- Zatrucie CO (czad)
2021 [31]
- PHP display errors
- Kubernetes - get nodes and taints
- Iptables/ufw for docker published ports
- cURL upload file multiparted
- Car repair compensation
- Test disk performance
- Optimize InnoDB
- the-bootstrap-blog
- ATmega 8 / 48 / 88 / 168 / 328 pinout TQFP-32
- Trailer connector
- Add executable bit in GIT on Windows
- Install Docker & Docker-compose
- Nginx pass client IP to backend
- Nginx SSL wrap
- Nginx SSL reencryption
- Nginx SSL termination
- Parallel run commands from file
- Parallel run commands iterations
- Remove old binlogs
- Parallel without executions limit
- Netty simple TCP server
- xargs argument position
- MySQL column temporary collation
- Show available collations
- Zablokowanie wyłączania laptopa po zamknięciu pokrywy
- Przekierowanie ruchu pomiędzy serwerami
- Space to new line and reverse
- External docker container IP
- Prompt
- Historia z wielu terminali
- Generowanie TOTP z konsoli